If the radius of circle is increased by 2% then what is the increased in percentage area...? Mcqs

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If the radius of circle is increased by 2% then what is the increased in percentage area...?

(i) 100/121
(ii) 97/25

(iii) 101/25
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following divine book is called ' Old Testament'...?

(i) Zuboor
(ii) Torait

(iii) Injeel
(iv) None of these

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Which Prophet was declared Adam second:...?

(i) Hazrat Ibrahim AS
(ii) Hazrat Nooh AS

(iii) Hazrat Musa AS
(iv) None of these

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قبلہ کی تبدیلی کسی ہجری میں ہوا ؟؟

(i) ایک ہجری
(ii) دو هجری

(iii) تین ہجری
(iv) چار ہجری

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Which of the following is temporary memory...?

(i) RAM
(ii) ROM

(iii) Hard disk
(iv) All of these

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Antonym of Harmonious is...?

(i) Peacful
(ii) Hostile

(iii) Dominant
(iv) Tuneful

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Synonym of Grisly is:...?

(i) Earthly
(ii) Horrible

(iii) Naughty
(iv) Falling

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Which part of speech is used to join two clauses:...?

(i) Adjective
(ii) Conjunction

(iii) , Adverb
(iv) Preposition

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When was the first session of the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan held?...?

(i) 10 August, 1947
(ii) 14 August, 1947

(iii) 19 August, 1947
(iv) None of these

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ESPN is one of the biggest satellite TV networks.It stands for...?

(i) Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
(ii) European and Sports Programming Network

(iii) Educational and Sports Programming Network
(iv) None of These

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