If x = 3+2√(2), find the value √(x) – 1√(x)....? Mcqs

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If x = 3+2√(2), find the value √(x) – 1√(x)....?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 4
(iv) None of these

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The Constitutional Reforms introduced in British India in the year 1909 are generally referred to as:...?

(i) Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
(ii) Morley-Minto Reforms

(iii) The Communal Award
(iv) The Colonial Reforms

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In 1946, who called for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons:...?

(i) UN General Assembly
(ii) UN Secretariat

(iii) World Bank
(iv) European Court of Human Rights

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For what achievement did James Chadwick receive the Nobel Prize in 1935...?

(i) Discovery of the proton
(ii) Discovery of the neutron

(iii) Development of the atomic bomb
(iv) Discovery of radioactivity

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In which Surah the process for doing the woozu is mentioned...?

(i) Sura Ma’edah
(ii) Sura Esra

(iii) Sura Baqrah
(iv) Sura Mujadala

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According to time table a coach was due to leave a station at 22:55 and arrive at its destination at 06:05 the next day find the time taken for the journey...?

(i) 7 hours 10 minutes
(ii) 6 hours 30 minutes

(iii) 5 hours 10 minutes
(iv) None of these

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Hazrat Ayub A.S was known for his quality of:___________...?

(i) Sympathy
(ii) Patience

(iii) Generosity
(iv) None of these

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The headquarter of Red Cross is in _________...?

(i) New York
(ii) Washington

(iii) Geneva
(iv) The Hague

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How many Rukus are there in Surah Al-Baqarah...?

(i) 38
(ii) 39

(iii) 40
(iv) 41

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Radioactivity emerges from:...?

(i) Nuclear energy
(ii) Wind energy

(iii) Biomass energy
(iv) Thermal energy

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