If x, y are two positive real number and X power 1/3 = Y power 1/4 , then which of the following relations is true:...? Mcqs

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If x, y are two positive real number and X power 1/3 = Y power 1/4 , then which of the following relations is true:...?

(i) XY
(ii) X³=Y

(iii) X=Y
(iv) None of these

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When MS word was launched _________...?

(i) 1983
(ii) 1980

(iii) 1979
(iv) None of these

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A place where dogs are kept is called...?

(i) Arsenal
(ii) Kennel

(iii) Burrow
(iv) None of these

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NATO Summit 2025 will be held in...?

(i) Belgium
(ii) Netherlands

(iii) Germany
(iv) Poland

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The cube root of 0.000126 is...?

(i) 0.06
(ii) 0.6.

(iii) 0.006
(iv) 0.0006

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What is meant by Petticoat Government...?

(i) A government is exile
(ii) A Government Runs by woman

(iii) A government without actual power
(iv) A government runs by some feudal lords

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Synonym of “culprit” is _________...?

(i) wrongdoer
(ii) cruel man

(iii) victim
(iv) unpleasant person

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مسدس کے ہر بند میں کتنے مصرع ہوتے ہیں ؟...?

(i) 4
(ii) 2

(iii) 8
(iv) 6

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Who is known as the father of Pentium Chip۔۔۔?

(i) Vinod Dham
(ii) Vinod Khanna

(iii) Sundar Pichai
(iv) None of these

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Which province of Afghanistan is the highest opium producer...?

(i) Helmand
(ii) Baghlan

(iii) Jalalabad
(iv) Kunar

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