If x, y are two positive real number and x13=y14,. then which of the following relations is true...? Mcqs

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If x, y are two positive real number and x13=y14,. then which of the following relations is true...?

(i) X3=Y4
(ii) X=Y4

(iii) X3=Y
(iv) None of these

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The length of Siachen in miles...?

(i) 24 miles
(ii) 47 miles

(iii) 44 miles
(iv) 33 miles

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GDP stands for...?

(i) Gross Daily Product
(ii) Gross Domestic Product

(iii) Gross Domestic Purchase
(iv) Gross Daily Purchase

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Zakat was forbidden for __________...?

(i) Banu Hashim
(ii) Banu Quraish

(iii) Banu Ummaya
(iv) Banu Saad

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The height of Lhotse mountain is _____________...?

(i) 8586m/28,169ft
(ii) 8516m/27,940ft

(iii) 8463m/27,766ft
(iv) 8848m/29,028ft

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Home Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to_________...?

(i) Moves the cursor beginning of the document
(ii) Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph

(iii) Moves the cursor beginning of the screen
(iv) Moves the cursor beginning of the line

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First Indian Civil servant in 1863 was _____________...?

(i) Ramesh tagore
(ii) Stayendarnath Tagore

(iii) Rabindar Nath Tagore
(iv) None of these

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Which is the largest province of iran by population...?

(i) Sistan Balochistan
(ii) Khorasan-e- Rizvi

(iii) Kerman
(iv) Tehran

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Our brain demands the most:...?

(i) Glucose
(ii) Lactose

(iii) Proteins
(iv) Vitamins

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Who is considered one of the great investors in the world:...?

(i) Bill Gates
(ii) Elon Musk

(iii) Warren Buffet
(iv) None of these

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