IMF funds are primarily provided for which of the following...? Mcqs

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IMF funds are primarily provided for which of the following...?

(i) Reduction in inflation
(ii) Infrastructure development

(iii) Economic stabilization and reform
(iv) Military assistance

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Who invented the QWERTY keyboard?...?

(i) Christopher Latham Sholes
(ii) George Orville IC

(iii) Issac Newton
(iv) Kurt Keplan

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calculte the expression (25*10)(5(6-4)2)=...?

(i) 200
(ii) 50

(iii) 25/2
(iv) 25

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Who runs the accounts of central Zakat fund in Pakistan__________...?

(i) Administrator General
(ii) Auditor General

(iii) Accountant General
(iv) Minister of Religious Affairs

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Which of the following species is endemic to Pakistan...?

(i) Indus River Dolphins
(ii) Snow Leopards

(iii) Gypsy Vultures
(iv) Boubara Bustard

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آنگن کس کا ناول ہے ؟...?

(i) خدیجہ مستور
(ii) ہاجرہ مسرور

(iii) جمیلہ ہاشمی
(iv) ایم اسلم

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Founder of homeopathy is...?

(i) Samuel Hahnemann
(ii) Johnson Hahnemann

(iii) John Aristotle
(iv) None of these

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Salat-e-Istasqa is offered on the occasion of...?

(i) Shortage of Rain
(ii) Solar eclipse

(iii) Famin
(iv) None of them

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The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in NATO is held by...?

(i) Always by America
(ii) Rotated among alliance countries

(iii) Given in order of priority of accession to alliance
(iv) None of the above

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The second Ashra of Ramazan is called ...?

(i) Ashra-e-Maghfirat
(ii) Ashra-e-Rehmat

(iii) Ashra-e-Najat-e-Naar-e-Jahannum
(iv) All of these

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