In 1991, prompted by domestic political reforms and democratic momentum in the countries within its orbit, the Soviet Union disintegrated into Russia and...? Mcqs

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In 1991, prompted by domestic political reforms and democratic momentum in the countries within its orbit, the Soviet Union disintegrated into Russia and...?

(i) Thirteen other countries
(ii) Fourteen other countries

(iii) Fifteen other countries
(iv) Sixteen other countries

Latest MCQs

A person bought 200 dozen orange at Rs. 10 per dozen and he spent Rs. 500 on transportation. He sold each orange at Rs. What was his profit or loss %...?

(i) 5%
(ii) 4%

(iii) 3%
(iv) None of these

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Which of the continents has the lowest population growth rate...?

(i) Europe
(ii) North America

(iii) Africa
(iv) Asia

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How many months prior to the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).Hazrat Abdullah Ibne-e-adul Muttalib died...?

(i) Two months
(ii) Four months

(iii) Six months
(iv) Eight months

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The Synonym of Cheeky is...?

(i) Impudent
(ii) An easy choice

(iii) Mark the thumb on a legal paper
(iv) None of these

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Kunar river is also called ___ river in Pakistan....?

(i) Chitral
(ii) Swat

(iii) Kunhar
(iv) None of these

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In computer science, Half byte is also - known as:...?

(i) Word
(ii) Four bits

(iii) Nibble
(iv) All of these

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Which of the following is the most important factor in causing mass movements...?

(i) Temperature
(ii) Pressure

(iii) Water content
(iv) Bulk composition

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Civil Disobedience Movement was started by...?

(i) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(ii) Mahatma Gandhi

(iii) Jawahralal Nehru
(iv) Agha Khan III

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Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called...?

(i) Chasma Barrage
(ii) Kotri Barrage

(iii) Gudu Barrage
(iv) Jinnah Barrage

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