In 2022, where did the Winter Olympics take place...? Mcqs

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In 2022, where did the Winter Olympics take place...?

(i) Russia
(ii) China

(iii) Canada
(iv) South Korea

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Laws of Heredity were discovered by...?

(i) Benjamin Franklin
(ii) Darwin

(iii) Mendel
(iv) None of these

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Largest Barrage of Pakistan...?

(i) Kotri
(ii) Sukkur

(iii) Chasma
(iv) None of these

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Choose appropriate PREPOSITIONS to complete the sentence from the given options. __________ Scandinavian countries teachers are__________ the best-paid employees...?

(i) In/between
(ii) In/among

(iii) In/batugon
(iv) From/in

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Waterloo is located in ___________...?

(i) France
(ii) Belgium

(iii) Switzerland
(iv) UK

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Which was the first institution of Islam...?

(i) Suffah
(ii) Marwah

(iii) Rami
(iv) Waquf

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Diabetes is a disease of...?

(i) Liver
(ii) Pancreas

(iii) Kidney
(iv) Lungs

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1.14 expressed as a percentage of 1.9 is...?

(i) 4%
(ii) 6%

(iii) 60%
(iv) None of these

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Qabeel & Habeel were the sons of which prophet...?

(i) Hazrat Nooh (AH)
(ii) Hazrat Daud (AH)

(iii) Hazrat Yaqoob (AH)
(iv) Hazrat Adam (AH)

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Choose the word that best complete the meaning of the sentence. Behaving in a__________and serious way, even in a __________situation, makes people respect you...?

(i) calm, difficult
(ii) squally, astounding

(iii) silly, sound
(iv) flamboyant, tricky

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