In a computer spreadsheet rows are labeled ?...? Mcqs

All Books Important MCQ's

Latest MCQs

In a computer spreadsheet rows are labeled ?...?

(i) by letters
(ii) by numbers

(iii) by cell references
(iv) by symbols

Latest MCQs

When partition of Bengal was annulled:...?

(i) 1908
(ii) 1909

(iii) 1910
(iv) 1911

Latest MCQs

Hazrat Umar R.A is called ____________...?

(i) Farooq-e- Azam
(ii) Sword of Allah

(iii) Lion of Allah
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

The Battle of Camel was fought between Hazrat Ali (R.A) and__________...?

(i) Muawia
(ii) Bibi Aisha

(iii) Hazrat Sa’d bin Abi Wakas RA
(iv) None of the above

Latest MCQs

NATO’s Secretary General is appointed for how many years...?

(i) Three years, renewable
(ii) Four years, renewable

(iii) Five years, renewable
(iv) Three years, not renewable

Latest MCQs

Synonym of “unequaled” is _________...?

(i) outstanding
(ii) different

(iii) praised
(iv) unique

Latest MCQs

What is the number of Zakat among Pillars...?

(i) Second
(ii) Third

(iii) Fourth
(iv) Fifth

Latest MCQs

The original Olympic motto is made up of three Latin words:...?

(i) Citius Altius - Fortius
(ii) Altius-Fortius- Citius

(iii) Citius Fortius- Altius
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Which Muslim Scientist is considered to be the founder of chemistry...?

(i) Ibn Al Nafees
(ii) Jabir ibn Hayyan

(iii) Abu Nasr Al-Farabi
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

When was Simla agreement signed:...?

(i) 1971
(ii) 1972

(iii) 1973
(iv) 1974

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