in Islam Legislation refers to___________...? Mcqs

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in Islam Legislation refers to___________...?

(i) Islamic Laws relating to mutual relation of human beings
(ii) Rules and Regulation for governing a nation

(iii) Both of them
(iv) None of these

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Who was the first viceroy of India...?

(i) Lord Rippon
(ii) Lord Canning

(iii) Lord Curzon
(iv) Lord Mayo

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Which of the following dams is situated at the highest altitude...?

(i) Wali Tangi Dam
(ii) Tanda Dam

(iii) Kanpur Dam
(iv) Warsak Dam

Latest MCQs

When was the Quaid-e-azam first appointed as third presidency magistrate of Bombay...?

(i) 1900
(ii) 1902

(iii) 1903
(iv) None of these

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Time required for a computer to locate and transfer data is called...?

(i) Analogue time
(ii) Basic time

(iii) Starting time
(iv) Access time

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Many young men were _______ at street corners for the coffee bar to open...?

(i) Hanging about
(ii) Hanging on

(iii) Hanging back
(iv) None of these

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The amount of oxygen required to store your body to its normal resting level of metabolic function is called:...?

(i) EPOC
(ii) Deficit oxygen

(iii) Lactate Threshold
(iv) None of these

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The Synonym of Caress....?

(i) Adore
(ii) Kiss

(iii) Hate
(iv) Fondle

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MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called...?

(i) Carriage Return
(ii) Enter

(iii) Word Wrap
(iv) None of the above

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What is the duration of a day at the North and South Poles...?

(i) 3 months
(ii) 6 months

(iii) 9 months
(iv) 12 months

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