In March 2006, who was appointed as the bowling coach for Pakistan...? Mcqs

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In March 2006, who was appointed as the bowling coach for Pakistan...?

(i) Shoaib Malik
(ii) Waqar Younis

(iii) Ramiz Raja
(iv) Misbah-ul-Haq

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Hassan Habib is associated with which sports:...?

(i) Squash
(ii) Poker

(iii) Swimming
(iv) None of these

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Hard Disk in a computer is a/an ....?

(i) Output Device
(ii) Processor

(iii) Software
(iv) Storage Device

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The process of verifying the identity of user is termed as...?

(i) Validation
(ii) Authentication

(iii) Identification
(iv) Verification

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What is telnet...?

(i) Network IP
(ii) Browser

(iii) Protocol
(iv) Gateway

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For how many years, the United States stayed in Afghanistan...?

(i) 10
(ii) 15

(iii) 20
(iv) 25

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Choose the word similar meaning to the given word: Zany...?

(i) Clown
(ii) Pet

(iii) Thief
(iv) None of these

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ANGOP is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) austria
(ii) united states

(iii) france
(iv) angola

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Malakand pass connects Peshawar with...?

(i) Gilgit
(ii) Swat

(iii) Dir
(iv) Chitral

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Synonym of “Chivalrous” is:...?

(i) Rude
(ii) Gallant

(iii) Boorish
(iv) None of these

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