in Microsoft Excel template is the combination of different ______...? Mcqs

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in Microsoft Excel template is the combination of different ______...?

(i) Colors
(ii) Effects

(iii) Fonts
(iv) All of these

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What is the function of Ctrl + B in Ms-Word...?

(i) It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
(ii) It adds a line break to the document

(iii) It makes tho selected text bold
(iv) It applies Italic formatting t the selected text

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The Queen who had the nick name “Bloody Mary” is ...?

(i) Mary I
(ii) Elizabeth I

(iii) Victoria I
(iv) None of these

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Train to Pakistan is a famous novel by:...?

(i) Khushwant Singh
(ii) Hassan Askari

(iii) Sheikh Rasheed
(iv) None of these

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What does Taraweeh means:...?

(i) To stand
(ii) To rest

(iii) To sit
(iv) To pray

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Hagias Sofia is in___________...?

(i) Spain
(ii) Rome

(iii) Turkey
(iv) None of these

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Which is the capital of Tajikistan...?

(i) Dodoma
(ii) Astana

(iii) Tashkent
(iv) Dushanbe

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Lira is Currency of...?

(i) Albania
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Turkey
(iv) None of these

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What is S.I unit of temperature...?

(i) Kelvin
(ii) Celsius

(iii) Fahrenheit
(iv) None of these

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Almost 40 % of the world's oil supply passes through the strait of...?

(i) Hormuz
(ii) Malacca

(iii) Bosporus
(iv) Gibraltar

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