In Microsoft Excel, the file you create and edit is called:...? Mcqs

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In Microsoft Excel, the file you create and edit is called:...?

(i) A form
(ii) A ledger

(iii) A table
(iv) A workbook

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The Houthi uprising is taking place in which country...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Yemen

(iii) Iraq
(iv) Libya

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Which company gifted “cornflakes” to the world...?

(i) Pepsi foods
(ii) Kellogg’s

(iii) McDonald’s
(iv) General foods

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Who was the founder of the Microsoft Corporation...?

(i) Steve Jobs
(ii) Paul G Allen

(iii) Bill Gates
(iv) Both B and C

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Insects breathe through...?

(i) Spiracles
(ii) Bronchi

(iii) Trachea
(iv) None of these

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Select the most appropriate synonym of the word “Emaciated”...?

(i) Very thin
(ii) Over nourished

(iii) Chubby
(iv) Lucky Person

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Spot the substitute for the given sentence:A speech delivered without preparation...?

(i) Emigrate
(ii) Exaggerate

(iii) Extempore
(iv) Excommunicate

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Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on__________...?

(i) 9th Zil Hajjah
(ii) 3rd Ramazan

(iii) 2nd Safar
(iv) 18 Shawal

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انگریزوں نے پنجاب کا الحاق ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ میں کیا۔۔۔؟

(i) 1848
(ii) 1849

(iii) 1856
(iv) 1872

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"Iron out" means to...?

(i) Complete small details
(ii) Make problems

(iii) Plan ahead
(iv) None of these

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