in Microsoft Word the Text boundary can be displayed or hidden from...? Mcqs

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in Microsoft Word the Text boundary can be displayed or hidden from...?

(i) Customize from Tools menu
(ii) Auto text option from Insert menu

(iii) Options from Tools menu
(iv) All of above

Latest MCQs

How many Umahaat ul Momineen were Hufaaz...?

(i) 6
(ii) 5

(iii) 4
(iv) 3

Latest MCQs

Who was Punjab's first Inspector General, Police...?

(i) Mian Anwar All
(ii) AB awan

(iii) S.N Alam
(iv) Qurban Ali Khan

Latest MCQs

Deepest ocean is...?

(i) Pacific
(ii) Atlantic

(iii) Indian
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Synonym of Fable is...?

(i) Allegory
(ii) Truth

(iii) sense
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Six tenths is the same as:...?

(i) 60
(ii) 0.6

(iii) 6.0
(iv) 0.06

Latest MCQs

Who said that Zakat is treasure of Islam...?

(i) Rasool Ullah (P.B.U.H)
(ii) Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)

(iii) Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A)
(iv) None of them

Latest MCQs

What is the shortcut key of Mark Citation in MS Word...?

(i) Alt + Shift + I
(ii) Alt + Shift + P

(iii) Alt + Shift + B
(iv) Alt + Shift + Q

Latest MCQs

Hazrat ____________ is known as the first Dervish....?

(i) Abu Bakar
(ii) Abu Lahab

(iii) Abu Jehl
(iv) Zirr Ghaffari

Latest MCQs

Who was the Last Governor of undivided Punjab:...?

(i) Abdur Rab Nishtar
(ii) Sir Evan Jenkins

(iii) Francis Mudie
(iv) Ghulam Muhammad

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