In Ms Word, On which toolbar can you find Format Painter tool...? Mcqs

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In Ms Word, On which toolbar can you find Format Painter tool...?

(i) Formatting toolbar
(ii) Picture Toolbar

(iii) Drawing Toolbar
(iv) Standard toolbar

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Eights bits make up a:...?

(i) Byte
(ii) Megabyte

(iii) Kilo Byte
(iv) None of these

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Ibn-e-Maja (Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yazeed Al-Maja) wrote _____________book...?

(i) Kitab al Tafsir
(ii) Quran fil Asr il Hazir

(iii) Kitab al Athaar
(iv) Sunnan wal Ahadith

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In how many days Allah created the heavens and the earth...?

(i) four
(ii) five

(iii) six
(iv) seven

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Hypothermia is caused by exposure to...?

(i) Extreme Cold
(ii) Extreme Heat

(iii) Excessive radiation
(iv) None of these

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To whom Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of Sayyidat Nisa al-Alamin...?

(i) Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.)
(ii) Hazrat Fatima (R.A.)

(iii) Hazrat Sauda (R.A.)
(iv) Hazrat Hafsa (R.A.)

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In 1946 the mission sent by British Govt was called:...?

(i) Simon Commission Cripps Mission
(ii) Cripps Mission

(iii) Cabinet Mission
(iv) Boundary Commission

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The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe opened in Poland will connect which two islands...?

(i) Usedom and Wolin
(ii) Ostro and Konski

(iii) Port and Chelminek
(iv) Olowianka and Karsibor

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Which body organ produces Urine...?

(i) Pancreas
(ii) Uterus

(iii) Kidney
(iv) Large Intestine

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If a strike or lock-out is commenced without giving notice of conciliation to the other party of the dispute; it will be considered:...?

(i) Immoral
(ii) Legal

(iii) Unethical
(iv) Illegal

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