In MS Word, the shortcut for paste command is _________________________...? Mcqs

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In MS Word, the shortcut for paste command is _________________________...?

(i) Ctrl+V
(ii) Ctrl+X

(iii) Alt+X
(iv) Shift+Alt+X

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Leo Tolstoy is writer of...?

(i) Othello
(ii) War and Peace

(iii) For whome the bell tolls
(iv) A tale of two Cities

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The partition of Bengal was made in 1905, it was annulled in...?

(i) 1909
(ii) 1911

(iii) 1908
(iv) 1910

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Synonym of “haggard” is _________...?

(i) gaunt
(ii) irascible

(iii) wise
(iv) sluggish

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What is the name of the place where world Trade Centre (USA) was located...?

(i) Ground Zero
(ii) Paradise Point

(iii) Golden Point
(iv) Golden City

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Hazrat Ayub A.S was known for his quality of:___________...?

(i) Sympathy
(ii) Patience

(iii) Generosity
(iv) None of these

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What happens when you insert an AutoShape by simply clicking in the document...?

(i) it appears near the insertion point
(ii) it is inserted in its default size

(iii) is selected
(iv) all of the above

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The largest lake of salt water in the world is ...?

(i) Baykal
(ii) Chad

(iii) Kariba
(iv) Caspian

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How many masarif of Zakat are mentioned in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 6
(ii) 8

(iii) 7
(iv) 9

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Currently President of Azad Kashmir is"...?

(i) Sardar Masood Khan
(ii) Raja Farooq Haider

(iii) Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry
(iv) None of these

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