In Surah __________, every verse ends with letter ‘Dal’....? Mcqs

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In Surah __________, every verse ends with letter ‘Dal’....?

(i) Iqra
(ii) Ikhlas

(iii) Falaq
(iv) Balad

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Kunar river is also called ___ river in Pakistan....?

(i) Chitral
(ii) Swat

(iii) Kunhar
(iv) None of these

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When did the Geneva Accords bring the Soviet-Afghan war to end...?

(i) 1980
(ii) 1983

(iii) 1988
(iv) 1990

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Which of the following countries has the largest number of Airport...?

(i) India
(ii) UK

(iii) China
(iv) USA

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Synonym of “frugality” is _________...?

(i) extravagance
(ii) ripening

(iii) thrift
(iv) resentment

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The Tashkent declaration between Pakistan and India was signed on...?

(i) 15 January 1964
(ii) 1 January 1965

(iii) 10 January 1966
(iv) 1 February 1966

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Who wrote the book "The Myth of Independence"...?

(i) General Ayub Khan
(ii) Nelson Mandela

(iii) Benazir Bhutto
(iv) ZA Bhutto

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The largest producer of solar energy in the world is...?

(i) Germany
(ii) USA

(iii) Russia
(iv) China

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The largest earth filled dam of the world is...?

(i) Tarbela
(ii) Warsak

(iii) Mangla
(iv) None of these

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Who is the Current President of Iran in 2023:...?

(i) Ibrahim Raisi
(ii) Abdul Nasir

(iii) Mohsin Raza
(iv) Amir Hussain

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