In the context of Microsoft Word, there is a feature called ‘Gutter Margin’. What is this feature used for...? Mcqs

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In the context of Microsoft Word, there is a feature called ‘Gutter Margin’. What is this feature used for...?

(i) Improve the clarity of graphics and images
(ii) Give provision for better document binding

(iii) Improve the clarity of the printed text
(iv) Facilitate the insertion of page numbers

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Samood was the grandson of ________...?

(i) Idress A.S
(ii) Sam

(iii) Aad
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Notorious is _______...?

(i) Fervour
(ii) Flagrant

(iii) Finesse
(iv) Festive

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Thomas Cup is associated with which Game...?

(i) badminton
(ii) football

(iii) hockey
(iv) none of these

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1 Yard is equal to how many meters...?

(i) 0.61 m
(ii) 0.914 m

(iii) 0.32 m
(iv) None of these

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ANGOP is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) austria
(ii) united states

(iii) france
(iv) angola

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What are moraines...?

(i) Sand dunes formed by wind
(ii) Deposits by glaciers

(iii) Rocks formed by volcanic eruptions
(iv) Sediments carried by rivers

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The Current Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) is: _________...?

(i) Kofi Annan
(ii) Ban Ki-Moon

(iii) António Guterres
(iv) Boutros Boutros-Ghali

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"PRINT INPUT " is:...?

(i) An error
(ii) Execution

(iii) Logical
(iv) Syntax

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Chichen Itza is situated in:...?

(i) USA
(ii) Canada

(iii) Mexico
(iv) UK

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