In the context of Pakistan political and judiciary history what does PCO stands for:...? Mcqs

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In the context of Pakistan political and judiciary history what does PCO stands for:...?

(i) Provisional Constitutional Ordinance
(ii) Provisional Constitutional Order

(iii) Provisional Court Order
(iv) None of these

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Pressing F8 key for three times selects__________...?

(i) A paragraph
(ii) A sentence

(iii) A word
(iv) Entire document

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Book “War As I Knew It” was written by: ____________...?

(i) Gen S. Patton
(ii) Gen Parvez Musharraf

(iii) Leo Tolstoy
(iv) Jimmy Carter

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Who seconded the Pakistan (Lahore) Resolution from Punjab...?

(i) Sardar Aurangzeb
(ii) Qazi Issa

(iii) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
(iv) Abdullah Haroon

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(i) Haechel
(ii) Sholes

(iii) Einstein
(iv) Caxton

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When domesticated Donkey was declared Haram in Islam...?

(i) 2 Hijri
(ii) 3 Hijri

(iii) 5 Hijri
(iv) 7 Hijri

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Pakistan’s Coronavirus vaccine campaign started from _____...?

(i) 5 February 2021
(ii) 1 February 2021

(iii) 2 February 2021
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is Page Orientation in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Landscape
(ii) Portrait

(iii) Gutter
(iv) Only A & B

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If x, y are two positive real number and X power 1/3 = Y power 1/4 , then which of the following relations is true:...?

(i) XY
(ii) X³=Y

(iii) X=Y
(iv) None of these

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FAO stands for:...?

(i) Food and Agriculture Organization
(ii) Financial and Agriculture Organization

(iii) Food and Assurance Organization
(iv) None of these

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