In the ocean basin relief__________ is gently sloping relatively shallow submerged at the plain of subcontinent...? Mcqs

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In the ocean basin relief__________ is gently sloping relatively shallow submerged at the plain of subcontinent...?

(i) Continental shelf
(ii) Continental rise

(iii) Continental slope
(iv) None of these

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Who co founder Hotmail in 1996 and the sold it to Microsoft...?

(i) Shawn Fanning
(ii) Ada Byron Lovelace

(iii) Sabeer Bhatia
(iv) Rey Tominson

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Rousseau was...?

(i) German Revolutionary leader
(ii) Political Philosopher

(iii) American Explorer
(iv) British leader

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The portion of the wall of Ka’ba which is between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called__________...?

(i) Al multazim
(ii) Hateem

(iii) Haram
(iv) Safar

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Hazrat Fatima (R.A) is known as____________...?

(i) Khatoon e Jannat.
(ii) Khatoon e Mehshar.

(iii) Khatoon e Madina.
(iv) both A. and B.

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The Term Butterfly stroke is associated with which of the following sprots...?

(i) Swimming
(ii) Boxing

(iii) Rowing
(iv) Golf

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Food is fermented by:...?

(i) Insulin
(ii) Bacteria

(iii) Bacteria
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of VEIL:...?

(i) Cover
(ii) Overt

(iii) Blatant
(iv) None of these

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Lady named ___________ tried to poison the Holy Prophet ...?

(i) Ayesha
(ii) Razia

(iii) Zainab
(iv) Fatima

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On which place, first Wahi was decended...?

(i) Sore Cave
(ii) Hira Cave

(iii) Khana-Kaaba
(iv) None of them

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