In which city is the famous Wazir Khan Mosque located...? Mcqs

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In which city is the famous Wazir Khan Mosque located...?

(i) Lahore
(ii) Thatta

(iii) Peshawar
(iv) Bahawalpur

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For a qualification 2/5 of the marks were given for coursework. The rest of the marks were given for a written paper of which 3/8 were given for a mental test. Total marks were out of 120. How many marks were given for the mental test...?

(i) 30
(ii) 55

(iii) 27
(iv) 45

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Khar is the main town of...?

(i) Bajaur Agency
(ii) Khyber Agency

(iii) Kurram Agency
(iv) North wazirastan

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The Nhill lake is located in which country...?

(i) New Zealand
(ii) Australia

(iii) South Africa
(iv) None of these

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The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe has been opened in...?

(i) Germany
(ii) Belgium

(iii) Finland
(iv) Poland

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Imam Shafi took the office of “Religious Judgment” in the age of:__________...?

(i) 13 years
(ii) 14 years

(iii) 20 years
(iv) 15 years

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Under the proposed Law enhanced partnership with Pakistan Act The US would...?

(i) Provide Latest version of F16 aircrafts
(ii) Establish reconstruction zones in the tribal areas

(iii) Provide security and intelligence equipments
(iv) None of these

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Which article of NATO’s founding treaty is a commitment that an attack on one member country will be considered an attack on the entire alliance...?

(i) Article 4
(ii) Article 5

(iii) Article 6
(iv) Article 7

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Liverpool is a town in...?

(i) USA
(ii) Belgium

(iii) UK
(iv) None of these

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A programme used to view World Wide Web (WWW) pages , such as Google, Yahoo and Internet Explorer, is called...?

(i) Browser
(ii) Messenger

(iii) Internet
(iv) None Of These

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