In which hijri year Qibla was change...? Mcqs

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In which hijri year Qibla was change...?

(i) 4
(ii) 3

(iii) 5
(iv) 2

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Porter Airlines is the Airline of which country __________...?

(i) South Africa
(ii) Philippines

(iii) Canada
(iv) Portugal

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Synonym of Foster is ________...?

(i) Increase
(ii) Lessen

(iii) Raise
(iv) None

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Who is credited with the discovery of Canada...?

(i) Christopher Columbus
(ii) Ferdinand Magellan

(iii) John Cabot
(iv) Jacques Cartier

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Lisa _ the house when her husband came back...?

(i) was Painter
(ii) Was painting

(iii) Was Carpenter
(iv) Was clerk

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Who started the Faraizi movement?...?

(i) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(ii) Haji Shariatullah

(iii) Allama Iqbal
(iv) Sir Agha Khan

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Distance from north and south equator is called...?

(i) North Pole
(ii) South Pole

(iii) Magnitude
(iv) Latitude

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Who discovered the first vaccine...?

(i) Edward Jenner
(ii) Einstein

(iii) Albert Sabin
(iv) Jonas Salk

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How much is one nautical mile in kilometers...?

(i) One nautical mile is equal to 1.852 kilometers.
(ii) One nautical mile is equal to 1.752 kilometers.

(iii) One nautical mile is equal to 1.652 kilometers.
(iv) One nautical mile is equal to 1.552 kilometers.

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The Upper House of the Indian Parliament is known as...?

(i) Lok Sabha
(ii) Vidhan Sabha

(iii) Rajya Sabha
(iv) None of these

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