In which Islamic month Nafal prayer is equal to Farz prayer...? Mcqs

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In which Islamic month Nafal prayer is equal to Farz prayer...?

(i) Sha’ban
(ii) Rajab

(iii) Safar
(iv) Ramadan

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If there is no Sun, The color of the sky would be ...?

(i) Orance
(ii) Blue

(iii) Yellow
(iv) None of these

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x(yz) (xy)z is a representation of the:...?

(i) associative law
(ii) distributive law

(iii) multiplicative law
(iv) addition law

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To find a temp file, which command is used in the Run dialog box...?

(i) temp
(ii) %temp%

(iii) prefetch
(iv) None of these

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What country used a tank first...?

(i) UK
(ii) USA

(iii) India
(iv) France

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Choose the antonym of Abolish...?

(i) Repeal
(ii) Eliminate

(iii) Conserve
(iv) Negate

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Which Country is the full member of SCO...?


(iii) Afghanistan
(iv) Iran

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Who narrated most Ahadith...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Huraira RA
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakar RA

(iii) Hazrat Ali RA
(iv) None of these

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(What) did he wants you to do...?

(i) Pronoun
(ii) Adverb

(iii) Adjective
(iv) Noun

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'Battle of Mutah' was fought between...?

(i) Muslims andJews
(ii) Muslims and Romans

(iii) Muslims and Quraysh
(iv) Muslims and False Prophets

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