In which of the following cities All India Muslim League was founded...? Mcqs

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In which of the following cities All India Muslim League was founded...?

(i) Delhi
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Dhaka
(iv) Allahabad

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The circular division of disks to store and retrieve data are known as:...?

(i) Tracks
(ii) Sectors

(iii) Cycles
(iv) Rings

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Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the proper order ...?

(i) Tauheed, Risalat, Alhami Kutub, Akhirat and Malaika
(ii) Tauheed, Risalat, Malaika, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat

(iii) Tauheed, Alhami Kutub, Risalat, and Malaika
(iv) Tauheed, Milka,Risalat, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat

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The major part of Holy Quran is revealed at _________ time...?

(i) Day
(ii) Night

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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You must get rid __________ unnecessary things...?

(i) of
(ii) about

(iii) off
(iv) over

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The Synonym of Puerile is...?

(i) Mature
(ii) Immature

(iii) Purity
(iv) Power

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خدا نے آج تک اس قوم کی حالت نہیں بدلی نہ ہو جس کو خیال آپ اپنی حالت کے بدلنے کایہ شعر کس کا ہے؟ .

(i) امیر خسرو
(ii) مولانا ظفر علی خان

(iii) حفیظ جالندھری
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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Hazrat Adam (A.S) was created on__________...?

(i) Monday
(ii) Wednesday

(iii) Thursday
(iv) Friday

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Heartfelt antonym...?

(i) Change
(ii) Alter

(iii) Insincerity
(iv) Opinion

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Where is the world largest nuclear power station located...?

(i) Ukraine
(ii) France

(iii) Canada
(iv) Japan

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