In which year Green which Mean time (GMT) was established...? Mcqs

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In which year Green which Mean time (GMT) was established...?

(i) 1864
(ii) 1880

(iii) 1882
(iv) 1884

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Synonym of “lackluster” is _________...?

(i) dull
(ii) fitful

(iii) steady
(iv) obscure

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Choose the Antonym: Fickle...?

(i) Spotless
(ii) Industrious

(iii) Welcome
(iv) Loyal

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______ refers to pre-made images ready for use in MS-Word documents...?

(i) AutoShape
(ii) Autofill

(iii) Wordart
(iv) Clipart

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The Holy Prophet PBUH delivered Khutba Hajjat ul Wida on which Hill...?

(i) Safa
(ii) Marva

(iii) Jabal al-Rehmat
(iv) None of these

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The largest lake of salt water in the world is ...?

(i) Baykal
(ii) Chad

(iii) Kariba
(iv) Caspian

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The average of three numbers is 20. If two numbers are 16 and 22,the third is:...?

(i) 22
(ii) 20

(iii) 19
(iv) 18

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If you press ___, the cell accepts your typing as its contents...?

(i) Enter
(ii) Ctrl+Enter

(iii) Tab
(iv) None

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Which of the following is correctly punctuated?...?

(i) That's anyone's guess
(ii) The library lost all its books

(iii) That car is not your's
(iv) That car is not their's

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VNA is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) vietnam
(ii) nigeria

(iii) argentia
(iv) algeria

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