Indicate the indirect form. Saleem said, "I do not eat mangoes"...? Mcqs

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Indicate the indirect form. Saleem said, "I do not eat mangoes"...?

(i) Saleem said, he did not eat mangoes
(ii) Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes

(iii) Saleem said that he does not eat mangoes
(iv) Saleem exclaimed that he does not eat mangoes

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Who has elected as 45th President of USA belongs to Republican Party by getting 290 electoral vote on 9 November-2016...?

(i) Donald Trump
(ii) Hillary Clinton

(iii) Barack Obama
(iv) Joe Biden

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How many times has Pakistan won the Men's Hockey World Cup: ...?

(i) One time
(ii) Two times

(iii) Three times
(iv) Four times

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The longest Surah of Holy Quran is...?

(i) Al Baqrah
(ii) Al Inaam

(iii) Al Rehman
(iv) Al Nass

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India did airstrike in Balakot on 26 February 2019. When India has struck it before...?

(i) 1947
(ii) 1956

(iii) 1967
(iv) 1971

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Who was the 1st Ummayad Caliph?...?

(i) Marwan bin Hakam
(ii) Hazrat Amir Muawiya

(iii) Yazid bin Muhlib
(iv) Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair

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Where the city 'Samarkand' is located___...?

(i) Uzbekistan
(ii) Kazakhstan

(iii) Kyrgyzstan
(iv) Iraq

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ALU is a component of processor, which consists of:...?

(i) AU [Arithmetic Unit]
(ii) LU [Logic Unit]

(iii) Both A and B
(iv) None of those

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There are _________ farz in a prayer (نماز)....?

(i) 11
(ii) 12

(iii) 13
(iv) None of These

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Azad Pattan project will be constructed on which river:...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) None of these

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