Indicate the type of sentence They are playing cricket...? Mcqs

All Books Important MCQ's

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Indicate the type of sentence They are playing cricket...?

(i) Present Indefinite
(ii) Present Continuous

(iii) Present Prefect
(iv) None of these

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Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea are connected by...?

(i) Bosporus Strait
(ii) Suez Canal

(iii) Malacca Strait
(iv) Palk Strait

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Which continent has no desert...?

(i) Europe
(ii) Australia

(iii) North America
(iv) South America

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When did Quaid-e-Azam become the permanent President of All India Muslim League...?

(i) 1913
(ii) 1924

(iii) 1934
(iv) None of these

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Give Synonyms of the following "Placid"...?

(i) Calm
(ii) Horrid

(iii) Obnoxious
(iv) Repulsive

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Famous Turkish Drama Dirilis Ertugrul and Osman belong to which century...?

(i) 11th century
(ii) 12th century

(iii) 13th century
(iv) 14th century

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Name the wife of Haroon ur Rasheed who was the mother of Al-Ameen and Al-Haroon....?

(i) Zubaida
(ii) Farzana

(iii) Ammamah
(iv) Buran

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How many countries are member of ASEAN...?

(i) 8
(ii) 10

(iii) 12
(iv) 15

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The book ' A farewell to Arms ' was written by...?

(i) Ernest Hemingway
(ii) Charles Dickens

(iii) Huxley
(iv) Thomas Hardy

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Why headers and footers used in Microsoft Word Document...?

(i) To enhance the overall appearance of the document
(ii) To mark the starting of a page

(iii) To make large document more readable
(iv) To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed

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