Interest was prohibited in _________ A.H....? Mcqs

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Interest was prohibited in _________ A.H....?

(i) 5th
(ii) 6th

(iii) 7th
(iv) 8th

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The amount of oxygen required to store your body to its normal resting level of metabolic function is called:...?

(i) EPOC
(ii) Deficit oxygen

(iii) Lactate Threshold
(iv) None of these

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The area of the Khurnak Fort is disputed by India and China, and is under the control of which country...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) Afghanistan

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FAO stands for:...?

(i) Food and Agriculture Organization
(ii) Financial and Agriculture Organization

(iii) Food and Assurance Organization
(iv) None of these

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Who is trying to defend you Here who is...?

(i) Demonstrative pronoun
(ii) Intensive pronoun

(iii) Interrogative pronoun
(iv) possessive pronoun

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The second Summit of OIC was held in which city...?

(i) Cairo
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Istanbul
(iv) Jakarta

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'Zakat' is worked out at the rate of...?

(i) 2 %
(ii) 3 %

(iii) 2.5 %
(iv) 4 %

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Which famous personality of English literature awarded Nobel prize in 1907:...?

(i) Paul Heyse
(ii) Rudyard Kipling

(iii) Romain Rolland
(iv) None of these

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Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called...?

(i) Accessing
(ii) Referencing

(iii) Functioning
(iv) Updating

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Which shortcut key is used for paste in MS Word...?

(i) Ctrl + C
(ii) Ctrl + V

(iii) Ctrl + S
(iv) Ctrl + W

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