Where is the bile stored and intermittently released into the small intestine to aid digestion...? Mcqs

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Where is the bile stored and intermittently released into the small intestine to aid digestion...?

(i) Kidney
(ii) Liver

(iii) Gall Bladder
(iv) Pancreas

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Coldest planet of the solar system is...?

(i) Saturn
(ii) Uranus

(iii) Earth
(iv) Venus

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Synonym of “harass” is _________...?

(i) annoy
(ii) harness

(iii) involve
(iv) injure

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Senkak Island is disputed between...?

(i) China and Japan
(ii) China and South Korea

(iii) Japan and South Korea
(iv) Russia and Japan

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The antonym of Conceal is:...?

(i) Cover
(ii) Screen

(iii) Denote
(iv) None of these

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Who was the second Governor-General of Pakistan...?

(i) Khawaja Nazimuddin
(ii) Iskandar Mirza

(iii) Malik Ghulam Muhammad
(iv) Liaquat Ali Khan

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Imam Ghazali RA passed in which hijri year:...?

(i) 500 Hijri
(ii) 503 Hijri

(iii) 505 Hiijri
(iv) 510 Hiijri

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“International day of the UN Peacekeepers ” is celebrated every year on ____________...?

(i) May 29
(ii) May 22

(iii) May 23
(iv) May 25

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Corona virus originate from which city of China...?

(i) Beijing
(ii) Wuhan

(iii) Guangzhou
(iv) None of these

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Who started Jihad Movement:...?

(i) Shah Waliullah
(ii) Syed Ahmad Shaheed

(iii) Haji Shariat Ullah
(iv) None of these

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