______ is a predefined set of colors. fonts, and visual effects that you apply to your slides in PowerPoint for a unified, professional look...? Mcqs

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______ is a predefined set of colors. fonts, and visual effects that you apply to your slides in PowerPoint for a unified, professional look...?

(i) Design
(ii) Animation

(iii) Layout
(iv) Theme

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Formal expression of disapproval...?

(i) Censure
(ii) Chastise

(iii) Reprimand
(iv) Commendation

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How many times France won the FIFA World Cup...?

(i) One
(ii) Two

(iii) Three
(iv) Four

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An inter-governmental military alliance between 30 member states 28 European and 02 north American was formed under:...?

(i) NATO
(ii) Washington treaty

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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Hazrat Umer RA tenure of Khilafat was...?

(i) 4 years 5 months
(ii) 7 years 5 months

(iii) 10 years 5 months
(iv) 12 years 5 months

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Synonym of CIRCUITOUS is _____________...?

(i) Direct
(ii) Strong

(iii) Cyclic
(iv) Weak

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What was the age of Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (RA) when he was martyred...?

(i) 75
(ii) 80

(iii) 90
(iv) 96

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What does 5*2 means in MS Word...?

(i) 5 columns and 2 rows
(ii) 2 columns and 5 rows

(iii) 52 columns
(iv) 52 rows

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Kufa was made capital in which Hijra year...?

(i) 35
(ii) 36

(iii) 38
(iv) 40

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Treaty of Lausanne of 1923 is:...?

(i) Turkey not claimed the Arab province
(ii) Base to form modern Turkey

(iii) the public debt would be share
(iv) All of these

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