___________is the person who performs prayer alone....? Mcqs

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___________is the person who performs prayer alone....?

(i) Madurak
(ii) Musbaq

(iii) Munfarid
(iv) None of these

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Choose the correct oneWhy had not you interested in this party...?

(i) Why had been you interested in this party
(ii) Why had not been you interested in this party

(iii) Why had not you interested in this party
(iv) None of these

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Which crop is longest according to period between and harvest...?

(i) Cotton
(ii) Sugarcane

(iii) Rice
(iv) Wheat

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The rarest gas in air is...?

(i) Xenon
(ii) Carbon Dioxide

(iii) Helium
(iv) Oxygen

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Which of the following is considered the Deepest lake of the world...?

(i) Caspian sea
(ii) Lake mead

(iii) Lake Baikal
(iv) None of these

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Vitamin C is abundantly found in ...?

(i) Leman
(ii) Guava

(iii) Apple
(iv) Mango

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سعودی عرب کے دارالحکومت کا نام بتا ئیں۔...?

(i) جدہ
(ii) ریاض

(iii) مکہ
(iv) مدینہ

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There are two sections A and B of a class, consisting of 36 and 44 students respectively If the average weight of section A is 40kg and that of section B is 35kg, find the average weight of the whole class...?

(i) 30 kg
(ii) 35 kg

(iii) 37.25 kg
(iv) 42.50 kg

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Spain was conquered by Muslims in which century...?

(i) 711 CE
(ii) 712 CE

(iii) 713 CE
(iv) 714 CE

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The last ruler of Ummyad was_________...?

(i) Hakam second
(ii) Marwan second

(iii) Muawiya second
(iv) Hasham

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