Islamic official seal started in________________...? Mcqs

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Islamic official seal started in________________...?

(i) 6 A.H
(ii) 7 A.H

(iii) 8 A.H
(iv) 9 A.H

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The first test tube baby of the world was born in...?

(i) France
(ii) Philippines

(iii) Britain
(iv) USA

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Which is the largest Road Tunnel in the world...?

(i) Rokko
(ii) Apennine

(iii) St. Gotthard
(iv) Laerdal Tunnel

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He bore a banner "with a strange device". The inverted comma part of the sentence is:...?

(i) Prepositional phrase
(ii) Noun phrase

(iii) Adjective Phrase
(iv) Alliteration

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Which of the following countries became the full member of EU in January 2023...?

(i) North Korea
(ii) Norway

(iii) Italy
(iv) Croatia

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Tarbela dam is located in:...?

(i) Mirpur
(ii) Swabi

(iii) Haripur
(iv) None of these

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بنی قریظہ میں ثالث کون تھے؟...?

(i) حضرت عمر فاروق
(ii) حضرت علی

(iii) حضرت سعد بن معاذ
(iv) حضرت خالد بن ولید

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Income that is saved and not invested is known as...?

(i) Capital
(ii) Deposit

(iii) Hoarding
(iv) None of these

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The largest planet is ...?

(i) Jupiter
(ii) Mercury

(iii) Venus
(iv) Earth

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Fill the sentence with suitable preposition: She burst ______ tears...?

(i) in
(ii) with

(iii) for
(iv) into

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