"It rained for three days and the streets in my neighbourhood were flooded".The given sentence is an example of the sentence:...? Mcqs

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"It rained for three days and the streets in my neighbourhood were flooded".The given sentence is an example of the sentence:...?

(i) Imperative Sentence
(ii) Simple Sentence

(iii) Compound Sentence
(iv) complex Sentence

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Chose one-word substitution: which cannot be passed through...?

(i) Passage
(ii) Passable

(iii) Present
(iv) Impassable

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Animal without red blood cells...?

(i) Frog
(ii) Earthworm

(iii) Peacock
(iv) Snake

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Which sign is used to create an absolute cell reference in MS Excel...?

(i) $
(ii) @

(iii) &
(iv) %

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Telepathy is Communication ...?

(i) sensory perceptions
(ii) between mind and heart

(iii) means other than sensory perceptions
(iv) None of these

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If you press ____ the cell accepts your typing as its content...?

(i) Tab
(ii) Ctrl+Enter

(iii) Enter
(iv) Alt+Enter

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Who created the first gasoline Car?...?

(i) Henry Ford
(ii) Karl Benz

(iii) Enzo Ferrari
(iv) None of these

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The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown in 751 A.D by Abbasids after the_________...?

(i) Battle of Tribes
(ii) Battle of Arabs

(iii) Battle of Islam
(iv) Battle of Zab

Latest MCQs

The most learned wife of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) was_________...?

(i) Hazrat khadija R.A
(ii) Hazrat Hafsa R.A

(iii) Hazrat Ayesha R.A
(iv) Hazrat Maimoona R.A

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The term Track II diplomacy is used for..?

(i) Creating relation using official channels
(ii) Creating relation using Unofficial channels

(iii) Diplomacy by diplomats during war
(iv) None of these

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