Jalian wala Bagh incident took place in the year...? Mcqs

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Jalian wala Bagh incident took place in the year...?

(i) 1918
(ii) 1919

(iii) 1920
(iv) 1921

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Doors of Hell are ____________...?

(i) 05
(ii) 06

(iii) 07
(iv) 08

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The noble Peace prize 2008 has been awarded MarttiAhtisarri for his efforts in conflict resolution on different continents: he is a former president of...?

(i) Chile
(ii) Netherlands

(iii) Finland
(iv) Argentine

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For __________ years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet....?

(i) one
(ii) Two

(iii) Three
(iv) Four

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Synonym of “impregnable” is ___________....?

(i) vulnerable
(ii) full

(iii) unconquerable
(iv) stern

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The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in...?

(i) Islamabad
(ii) Colombo

(iii) Kathmandu
(iv) Delhi

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The tax collected from prisnor is called...?

(i) Fidiya
(ii) Jaziya

(iii) Ashar
(iv) None of these

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Choose the antonym of Gallant:...?

(i) Bold
(ii) Fine

(iii) Frolic
(iv) None of these

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A program that can destroy all of your computer programs...?

(i) Anti-virus
(ii) Virus

(iii) Switched computer
(iv) Dust

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Which is the largest oil refinery in Pakistan...?

(i) Attock oil refinery
(ii) Pak-China oil refinery

(iii) Pak-Arab oil refinery
(iv) None of these

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