James Chadwick is known for his discovery...? Mcqs

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James Chadwick is known for his discovery...?

(i) Proton
(ii) Neutron

(iii) Electron
(iv) None of these

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Which is the capital of Angola...?

(i) Baku
(ii) Canberra

(iii) Luanda
(iv) Manama

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The Blue Lagoon is located in:...?

(i) Greenland
(ii) Florida

(iii) Iceland
(iv) None of these

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When Pakistan left CENTO:...?

(i) 1973
(ii) 1976

(iii) 1979
(iv) 1981

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Hanging gardens in Babylon were located in modern day....?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Iraq
(iv) Jordon

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Which Country has more Lakes than most of the World Combined ...?

(i) Finland
(ii) Switzerland

(iii) Canada
(iv) Estonia

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What is the sum of all the three angles of a triangle...?

(i) 90 degrees
(ii) 180 degrees

(iii) 270 degrees
(iv) None of these

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Who is known as the father of Pentium Chip۔۔۔?

(i) Vinod Dham
(ii) Vinod Khanna

(iii) Sundar Pichai
(iv) None of these

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How many countries are the members of commonwealth...?

(i) 54
(ii) 57

(iii) 68
(iv) None of these

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What is the width of badminton court for single court...?

(i) 5.18 meters
(ii) 6.10 meters

(iii) 0.40 meters
(iv) 5.20 meters

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