"Jinnah of Pakistan" written by _____...? Mcqs

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"Jinnah of Pakistan" written by _____...?

(i) Stanly Wolpert
(ii) Hector Bolitho

(iii) Philip Hitti
(iv) None of these

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Headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization is located in...?

(i) Rome
(ii) Geneva

(iii) Paris
(iv) None of these

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The Antonym of Sacrilegious is...?

(i) Pious
(ii) Impious

(iii) Profane
(iv) None of these

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Karakoram Highway built with the help of which country...?

(i) US
(ii) UK

(iii) China
(iv) Iran

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Suez Canal is between __________...?

(i) Arabian Sea and Red Sea
(ii) Red Sea and North Sea

(iii) Mediterranean Sea and North Sea
(iv) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

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Nancy Pelosi is controversial in the news because she visited ______...?

(i) Malaysia
(ii) Taiwan

(iii) Hong Kong
(iv) Russia

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Antonym of DOLEFUL is...?

(i) Vivacious
(ii) Witty

(iii) shiny
(iv) Full

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In MS Excel, columns are labelled as ______...?

(i) A, B, C
(ii) A1, A2, A3

(iii) 1, 2, 3
(iv) $A$1, $B$2

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Choose the option displaying correct spelling of the wordI managed to work for two hours without_________...?

(i) Interuption
(ii) Interruption

(iii) Intrupption
(iv) Interupption

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UsA film industry Hollywood is located in...?

(i) Maryland
(ii) California

(iii) Virginia
(iv) New York

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