Khar is the main town of...? Mcqs

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Khar is the main town of...?

(i) Bajaur Agency
(ii) Khyber Agency

(iii) Kurram Agency
(iv) North wazirastan

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The smallest gland in the body is...?

(i) Adrenal
(ii) Pancreas

(iii) pineal gland
(iv) Pituitary

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Chaj Doab lies between which two rivers...?

(i) Indus and Jhelum
(ii) Chenab and Jhelum

(iii) Chenab and Ravi
(iv) None of these

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Greenwich mean time is located near the city of...?

(i) London
(ii) Rome

(iii) New York
(iv) None of these

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What is the function of CTRL+O in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Save Document
(ii) Print Document

(iii) Close Document
(iv) Open Document

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How many vowels does Arabic Language have...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 5
(iv) 7

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Which is the oldest freezing method:...?

(i) Contact freezing
(ii) Flash freezing

(iii) Brine freezing
(iv) None of these

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By default, the orientation of a document is when printing...?

(i) Portrait
(ii) Landscape

(iii) Page Setup
(iv) Print Preview

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Pakistan is not the Member of the following Organisation ...?

(i) UNO
(ii) SAARC

(iii) SCO
(iv) G-20

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Hair breadth's escape means...?

(i) To run in a zig-zag manner
(ii) To be affected by riots

(iii) A narrow escape
(iv) None of these

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