King Bhumibol, world’s longest-reigning monarch has died at age 88 in October-2016 belong to...? Mcqs

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King Bhumibol, world’s longest-reigning monarch has died at age 88 in October-2016 belong to...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Nepal

(iii) Singapore
(iv) Thailand

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Entomology is the scientific study of ______...?

(i) Humans
(ii) Insects

(iii) Rocks
(iv) Birds

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National income is essentially composed of...?

(i) All wealth of a nation
(ii) Annual income of the central government

(iii) All income of the people in the year
(iv) Income derived from taxes

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وصل کا متضاد ھے...?

(i) ھجر
(ii) قربت

(iii) دونوں
(iv) None

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To stop a slideshow in MS Power point which of the following option a correct...?

(i) Press F2
(ii) Press CTRL

(iii) Press Escape
(iv) Press F5

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After how many days Chinese city Wuhan opened after coronavirus lockdown:...?

(i) 72 days
(ii) 74 days

(iii) 76 days
(iv) 78 days

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Who put diacritical marks for the first time in Quran-e-Pak...?

(i) Imam Malik R.A
(ii) Imam Shafi R.A

(iii) Hazart Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali RA
(iv) All of these

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The ratio of last year income of A, B & C was 3: 4: 5. While the ratio of their last year income to current year income is 4: 5; 2: 3 and 3: 4 respectively. If their total current year income is Rs. Find the present income of A...?

(i) Rs22400
(ii) Rs22500

(iii) Rs22600
(iv) Rs22700

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The binary decimal of 10100 is...?

(i) 20(10)
(ii) 200(10)

(iii) 200(100)
(iv) None of these

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Phases of the moon occur because...?

(i) only that part of the moon which reflects light
(ii) Our distance from the moon keeps changing

(iii) The thickness of the moon's atmosphere
(iv) The shadow of the Earth covers only a part of moon

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