King Bhumibol, world’s longest-reigning monarch has died at age 88 in October-2016 belong to...? Mcqs

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King Bhumibol, world’s longest-reigning monarch has died at age 88 in October-2016 belong to...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Nepal

(iii) Singapore
(iv) Thailand

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Who started the fraizi movement...?

(i) Haji shariat ullah
(ii) Allama Muhammad iqbal

(iii) Molana Muhammad ali johar
(iv) Shah Wali Ullah

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Choose the synonym of Devilish:...?

(i) Virtual
(ii) Satanic

(iii) Simple
(iv) None of these

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Old Name of Jumma before Islam...?

(i) Yaomul Furqan
(ii) Yaomul Aroba

(iii) Yaomul Halumah
(iv) None of these

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RAW is an Indian Secret Service which headquarters is in delhi and was founded in?

(i) 1960
(ii) 1965

(iii) 1968
(iv) 1970

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First International Peace Congress was held in London in ...?

(i) 1564 AD
(ii) 1843 AD

(iii) 1845 AD
(iv) 1545 AD

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In MS Excel Ready-made templates are available under-tab...?

(i) File
(ii) Insert

(iii) Design
(iv) None of these

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Manual line break shortcut key in MS Word...?

(i) Ctrl+ Enter
(ii) Shift+ Enter

(iii) Alt + Enter
(iv) Enter

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Which of the following is the file extension of the PowerPoint presentation...?

(i) ppt
(ii) pps

(iii) ppf
(iv) None of these

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The Synonym of Lacerate is...?

(i) Tear
(ii) Mend

(iii) Join
(iv) None of these

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