Laitat-ul-Qadr is better than______months...? Mcqs

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Laitat-ul-Qadr is better than______months...?

(i) 10
(ii) 50

(iii) 100
(iv) 1000

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International consortium of investigative journalists (ICIJ) is based at ___________...?

(i) London
(ii) Berlin

(iii) Washington
(iv) Geneva

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Which of the following is the largest city situated on the Europe’s longest river, Volga...?

(i) Moscow
(ii) Baku

(iii) Tbilisi
(iv) Kazan

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As NATO’s structure developed and more space was needed, its Headquarters moved to central Paris in April 1952. At first it was temporarily housed at _________ , but it then moved to a purpose-built edifice at _________ in 1960....?

(i) Kalais de Shaillot, Sorte Tauphine
(ii) Talais de Phaillot, Korte Sauphine

(iii) Palais de Chaillot, Porte Dauphine
(iv) Nalais de Thaillot, Norte Kauphine

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Govt of Pakistan named Islamabad as its new Capital on...?

(i) Feb 24, 1960
(ii) Feb 24, 1959

(iii) Feb 24, 1961
(iv) Feb 24, 1958

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James Chadwick is known for his discovery...?

(i) Proton
(ii) Neutron

(iii) Electron
(iv) None of these

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A common name for software errors is:...?

(i) Viruses
(ii) Trojans

(iii) Bugs
(iv) Logic Bombs

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What is the mother’s name of Hazrat Annas r.a ...?

(i) Hazrat Um -e Aeman (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Um -e Umara (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Um -e Ruman (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Um -e Saleem (RA)

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Change the narration: The policeman said, “Don’t cross the speed limit.”۔۔۔؟

(i) The policeman said not to cross the speed limit
(ii) The policeman asked if I would cross the speed limit

(iii) The policeman forbade me to cross the speed limit
(iv) The policeman asks if I had crossed the speed limit

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The longest mountain range...?

(i) Himalayas
(ii) Land Protection

(iii) Rocky Mountains
(iv) Andes

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