Liaqut Nehru pact was signed between india and Pakistan on...? Mcqs

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Liaqut Nehru pact was signed between india and Pakistan on...?

(i) 8 April 1950
(ii) 8 April 1955

(iii) 8 April 1964
(iv) None of these

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Which is the largest earth filled dam of the world...?

(i) Tarbela
(ii) Guri

(iii) Mangla
(iv) Kariba

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Name the first civilian president of Myanmar...?

(i) Myint Sewie
(ii) Huang Hye

(iii) Htin Kway
(iv) Thein Sein

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Which of the following two Sahabis was sent during Battle of Badr to collect information about the caravan of Quraish...?

(i) Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas(RA) and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Al Jirrah(RA)
(ii) Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Al Jirrah(RA) and Hazrat Abu Bakar(RA)

(iii) Hazrat Abu Bakar(RA) and Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqqas(RA)
(iv) Hazrat Talha ibn Ibaidullah and Hazrat Saeed iBin Zaid(RA)

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The Largest Producer of Electricity in the Islamic World is______________________...?

(i) Saudi Arabia
(ii) Pakistan

(iii) Uzbekistan
(iv) Turkey

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When you insert a Excel file to a Word document The Data are:...?

(i) Embedded
(ii) Linked

(iii) Hyperlink placed in word table
(iv) None of these

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Which is the largest state of India by Area...?

(i) West Bengal
(ii) Madhia Pardesh

(iii) Rajistan
(iv) None of These

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Synonym of “professedly” is _________...?

(i) meekly
(ii) cruelly

(iii) bravely
(iv) pedantically

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یادگار طالب کے مصنف ہی...?

(i) موا الطاف حسین حالی
(ii) اسد اللہ خان غالب

(iii) سرسید احمد خان
(iv) کوئی نہیں

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He is interested ____________ history...?

(i) Of
(ii) In

(iii) About
(iv) On

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