Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia belong to which continent...? Mcqs

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Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia belong to which continent...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Europe

(iii) Africa
(iv) South America

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The 6th organ, “Trusteeship Council” of the United Nations suspended operation on November 01, 1994, with the independence of _________....?

(i) Chad
(ii) Sudan

(iii) Palau
(iv) Tunisia

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My brother and friend ______ me in my studies...?

(i) Helps
(ii) Helped

(iii) Help
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of Facetious is...?

(i) Teasing
(ii) Serious

(iii) Tongue in check
(iv) Copy

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Who is credited for building the Great Wall of China...?

(i) Hiung Tsang
(ii) Yubang Tou

(iii) Qin Shi Huang
(iv) Fa Hien

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VNA is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) vietnam
(ii) nigeria

(iii) argentia
(iv) algeria

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The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown in 751 A.D by Abbasids after the_________...?

(i) Battle of Tribes
(ii) Battle of Arabs

(iii) Battle of Islam
(iv) Battle of Zab

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When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan:...?

(i) 24 December 1974
(ii) 24 December 1977

(iii) 24 December 1979
(iv) 24 December 1981

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Which key is used to align the text to center...?

(i) Ctrl+ B
(ii) Ctrl + C

(iii) Ctrl + D
(iv) Ctrl + E

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MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called...?

(i) Carriage Return
(ii) Enter

(iii) Word Wrap
(iv) None of the above

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