Lord Mayo was assassinated in:...? Mcqs

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Lord Mayo was assassinated in:...?

(i) April 1872
(ii) August 1872

(iii) November 1875
(iv) December 1878

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Which of the following balance does the contra-asset account show typically...?

(i) Credit
(ii) Debit

(iii) Negative
(iv) Positive

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Antonym of ATTRACT is...?

(i) Repel
(ii) Demote

(iii) Expel
(iv) None of these

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Abdul Rehman Chughtai was famous for the art of...?

(i) Construction
(ii) Music

(iii) Painting
(iv) None of these

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The largest planet is

(i) Venus
(ii) Jupiter

(iii) Mercury
(iv) Mars

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The ratio of the length of a rod and its shadow is 1: √3. The angle of elevation of the sun is...?

(i) 30°
(ii) 45°

(iii) 90°
(iv) None of these

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Which global trade body is working to reduce subsidies in the fishing industry...?

(i) WHO
(ii) WTO

(iii) IMF
(iv) UN

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Headquarter of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is in _______________...?

(i) Thimphu
(ii) Phnom Penh

(iii) Beijing
(iv) Seoul

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What is the synonym of Infringe?...?

(i) Violate
(ii) Obey

(iii) Cold storage
(iv) Edges

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The Original name of King Al-Najashi was...?

(i) Abrah
(ii) Armah

(iii) Musah
(iv) Sukhwa

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