Malaysia prominent person who got Independence from Britain...? Mcqs

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Malaysia prominent person who got Independence from Britain...?

(i) Abdur Rahman
(ii) Mahathir Muhammad

(iii) Sultan Azlan Shah
(iv) Abdul Razak Hussein

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What type of acid is used in car batteries...?

(i) Hydrochloric acid
(ii) Hydrofluoric acid

(iii) Nitric acid
(iv) Sulphuric acid

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Politics and the State in Pakistan book written by:...?

(i) Hassan Askari
(ii) Khalid Saeed

(iii) Muhammad Waseem
(iv) None of these

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Salat e Jumma became Faraz in which city...?

(i) Makkah
(ii) Madina

(iii) Abwa
(iv) Hijaz

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who were Ashaab-e-Sufah...?

(i) Ansaar (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Nabavi
(ii) Muhajirs (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Nabavi

(iii) Muhajirs (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Quba
(iv) Ansaar (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Quba

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Which Surah was the first to be revealed upon Holy Prophet Muhammad...?

(i) Surah al-Alaq
(ii) Surah al-Falak

(iii) Surah al-Fataha
(iv) Surah al-Nisa

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What is the synonym of “Inane”...?

(i) Idiot
(ii) Intelligent

(iii) Sensible
(iv) None of these

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Sunlight is composed of...?

(i) 6 Colours
(ii) 7 Colours

(iii) 8 Colours
(iv) 9 Colours

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In MS Excel, if you want to reference a cell in the same column but a different row on another sheet, what type of...?

(i) Absolute refrence
(ii) Relative reference

(iii) mixed reference
(iv) circular reference

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Pakistan joined the list of Nuclear Weapons states on ...?

(i) 28 May 1996
(ii) 25 May 1996

(iii) 28 May 1998
(iv) 26 May 1998

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