Manama is the capital of which Asian country...? Mcqs

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Manama is the capital of which Asian country...?

(i) Loas
(ii) Cambodia

(iii) Bahrain
(iv) Kuwait

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Law of magnet induction proposed by:...?

(i) Michael Faraday
(ii) Ernest Rutherford

(iii) Clerk Maxwell
(iv) Neils Bohr

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Name the Ummul-Mumineen who have narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)...?

(i) Hazrat Hifsa (Radi-Allahu Anha)
(ii) Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (Radi-Allahu Anha)

(iii) Hazrat Khadijah (Radi-Allahu Anha)
(iv) Hazrat Zainib (Radi-Allahu Anha)

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جب عشق سیکھاتا ہے آداب خود اگاہی۔۔۔کھلتے ہیں غلاموں پر اسراہ شہنشاہی۔۔۔ شعر میں ردیف ہے...?

(i) اگاہی
(ii) شہنشاہی

(iii) خوداگاہی
(iv) کوئی بھی نہیں

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In MS Excel 2016, = Now () is used for...?

(i) to show time
(ii) to show date

(iii) to show both Time and date
(iv) None of these

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When a gas turns into a liquid the process is called:...?

(i) Condensation
(ii) Evaporation

(iii) Deposition
(iv) Sulimation

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Who was/were the pioneer(s) of hadith school of Basra...?

(i) Imam Zohri
(ii) Imam Hasan Al-Basri

(iii) Both of these
(iv) None of these

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Who is called the father of computer...?

(i) Douglas Engelbart
(ii) Charles Babbage

(iii) Allan Turing
(iv) Steve Jobs

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Choose the correct synonym: Haggard...?

(i) Healthy
(ii) Flabby

(iii) Unworn
(iv) Exhausted

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Rohtas Fort was built by...?

(i) Akbar
(ii) Shah Jahan

(iii) Sher Shah Suri
(iv) Aurangzeb

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