Maseeh ul Islam is the title of...? Mcqs

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Maseeh ul Islam is the title of...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Talha RA
(ii) Hazrat Abu zarGhaffari RA

(iii) Hazrat Ali RA
(iv) None of these

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What is the shortcut key for “Justify Align” the selected text ...?

(i) Ctrl + J
(ii) empty

(iii) empty
(iv) empty

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The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in...?

(i) Islamabad
(ii) Colombo

(iii) Kathmandu
(iv) Delhi

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The original natives of New Zealand, whose war dance is still used by the New Zealand rugby team, were...?

(i) Aborgenes
(ii) Zuluz

(iii) Maoris
(iv) Fijians

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Where "CN Tower" is located?...?

(i) London
(ii) Toronto

(iii) Dubai
(iv) Heidelberg

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UNHCR is formally known as the: _______________...?

(i) High Commissioner for Refugees
(ii) UN Commissioner for Refugees

(iii) Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees
(iv) Refugees High Commission

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Who is the current Mayor of London...?

(i) Zac Goldsmith
(ii) Boris Johnson

(iii) Sadiq Khan
(iv) None of these

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the amount of blood pumped out by left ventricle per minute is called...?

(i) Cardiac output
(ii) Heart rate

(iii) Stroke volume
(iv) Systole

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"One for all, all for one" is a:...?

(i) Collective security system
(ii) Balance of power

(iii) Human Security
(iv) None of these

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In MS Word 2016, which of the following shortcut key is used to use paste special...?

(i) CTRL + ALT + V
(ii) CTRL + V

(iii) CTRL + TAB + V
(iv) ALT + V

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