'Mast Tawkli' Was prominent poet of...? Mcqs

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'Mast Tawkli' Was prominent poet of...?

(i) Balochi
(ii) Pushto

(iii) Sindhi
(iv) Barochi

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What was the Religious of the majority of the Arabs before Islam...?

(i) Buddhism
(ii) Jewish

(iii) Idolatrous
(iv) Christianity

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Ahmad Sukarno was the president of which country...?

(i) Indonesia
(ii) Malaysia

(iii) Maldives
(iv) Sudan

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Which of the following can survive centuries______...?

(i) Butter
(ii) Cheese

(iii) Honey
(iv) Yogurt

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غزل نیم وحشی صنف شاعری ہے۔ یہ کس کا قول ہے؟...?

(i) کلیم الدین احمد
(ii) احسن فاروقی

(iii) نیاز فتح پوری
(iv) انتظار حسین

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After first Wahi, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) came home, then his wife Hazrat Khadija (R.A) took him with her to which cousin who was the scholar in inspiration books...?

(i) Warqa bin Nophel
(ii) Umar bin Alaas

(iii) Umar bin Khatab
(iv) Saeed bin Alaas

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Who created the first gasoline Car?...?

(i) Henry Ford
(ii) Karl Benz

(iii) Enzo Ferrari
(iv) None of these

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__________ is the mother of invention...?

(i) Necessity
(ii) Compulsion

(iii) Demand
(iv) Obligation

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How many vowels does Arabic Language have...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 5
(iv) 7

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What does Taraweeh means...?

(i) To Stand
(ii) To sit

(iii) To Rest
(iv) None of these

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