Maulana Mhammad Ali Jauhar had started publishing his famous English Newspaper 'Comrade' in 1911 from...? Mcqs

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Maulana Mhammad Ali Jauhar had started publishing his famous English Newspaper 'Comrade' in 1911 from...?

(i) Delhi
(ii) Bombay

(iii) Calcutta
(iv) Lahore

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The Touheed (Kalmah) is__________ pillar of Islam...?

(i) First Pillar of Islam
(ii) Second Pillar of Islam

(iii) Third Pillar of Islam
(iv) Fourth Pillar of Islam

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What is the capital of Australia...?

(i) Canberra
(ii) Sydney

(iii) Melbourne
(iv) Brisbane

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Choose the antonym of: Urbanity...?

(i) Rustic
(ii) Crudeness

(iii) Cruelty
(iv) Laster

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How much blood does a normal adult person have in the body..?

(i) 6 to 7 Liters
(ii) 2 to 3 Liters

(iii) 4 to 5 Liters
(iv) 3 to 4 Liters

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The world’s deepest trench the mariana trench is located in which ocean...?

(i) Indian ocean
(ii) Atlantic ocean

(iii) Pacific ocean
(iv) Arctic ocean

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Smog is essentially caused by:...?

(i) Air pollution
(ii) Smoke

(iii) Burn of bricks
(iv) All of these

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Synonym of “bonanza” is _________...?

(i) fish fry
(ii) windfall

(iii) blessing
(iv) dessert

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Which of the following films has won eight Oscar awards in a ceremony on 23 feb 2009...?

(i) The Reader
(ii) The Dark Knight

(iii) Slumdog Millionaire
(iv) Man and wire

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Peace Memorial Park in Japan was built in the memory of: ____________...?

(i) WW-II Survivors
(ii) Atomic Bomb Victims

(iii) WW-II Victims
(iv) Atomic Bomb Survivors

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