Men, women, and children in _________part of the world wear some sort of jewelry, either as ornaments or because of superstitions...? Mcqs

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Men, women, and children in _________part of the world wear some sort of jewelry, either as ornaments or because of superstitions...?

(i) All
(ii) Every

(iii) Whole
(iv) Some

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The Headquarters of Asian Development bank is located at...?

(i) Paris
(ii) New York

(iii) Manila
(iv) Tokyo

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Page Down Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to_________...?

(i) Moves the cursor one line down
(ii) Moves the cursor one page down

(iii) Moves the cursor one screen down
(iv) Moves the cursor one paragraph down

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“Arbaeen” is the book of Hadith in which there are:__________...?

(i) 20 Ahadith
(ii) 30 Ahadith

(iii) 40 Ahadith
(iv) 50 ahadith

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Particles suspended in the water rubbing against a river bed/bank or cliff is what type of erosion...?

(i) Abrasion
(ii) Traction

(iii) Saltation
(iv) None of these

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The famous place "Makli" in Sindh is a:...?

(i) Park
(ii) Museum

(iii) Fortress
(iv) Graveyard

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The old woman lived alone, with ______ to look after ______...?

(i) someone / her
(ii) anyone / herself

(iii) everyone / she
(iv) no one / her

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If selling price is greater than cost price, then difference between selling and cost price is called...?

(i) Profit
(ii) Loss

(iii) Discount
(iv) Commission

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How many Hajj were performed by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)...?

(i) One
(ii) Two

(iii) Three
(iv) Four

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Which country is known for its pyramids...?

(i) Sudan
(ii) Mexico

(iii) Egypt
(iv) Iraq

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