Ms Access arranges the data in :...? Mcqs

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Ms Access arranges the data in :...?

(i) Rows
(ii) Tables

(iii) word
(iv) None

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what is ............ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors...?

(i) Crashing
(ii) Allotting

(iii) Formatting
(iv) Tracking

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Harry Potter is the famous character of...?

(i) J.K Rowlling
(ii) J.F Marshal

(iii) R.V Menin
(iv) None of these

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________ Sura of the Holy Qur’an is called the “mother of Qur’an”....?

(i) Baqara
(ii) Fatiha

(iii) Iklass
(iv) Yaseen

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Antonym of SCURRILOUS is...?

(i) Abusive
(ii) Ribald

(iii) Decent
(iv) Mitigate

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Choose the synonym FRANK...?

(i) Silent
(ii) Candid

(iii) Introvert
(iv) None of these

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Which surah is called surah-e-Shukr...?

(i) Surah Ikhlas
(ii) Surah Baqarah

(iii) Surah Fateha
(iv) Surah Al-Rehman

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The 'Day of Deliverance' by All India Muslim League was observed on:...?

(i) 22nd December, 1939
(ii) 10th November, 1939

(iii) 20th October, 1939
(iv) 14th September, 1939

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The workers called _____ the strike...?

(i) of
(ii) off

(iii) on
(iv) None of these

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The Synonym of Shifty is...?

(i) Wily
(ii) Deceitful

(iii) Crafty
(iv) None of these

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