MS Access is used for_____...? Mcqs

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MS Access is used for_____...?

(i) Create web pages
(ii) Tool development

(iii) Data table
(iv) None of these

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Choose the appropriate word for "A critical judge for any art and craft"...?

(i) Referee
(ii) Arbitrator

(iii) Connoisseur
(iv) Magistrate

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Another name of K2 is:...?

(i) Godwin Austen
(ii) Broad Peak

(iii) Koyo Zom
(iv) None of these

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مولانا روم کی قبر کے ساتھ کس اردو شاعر کی علامتی قبر بنائی گئی ہے ؟...?

(i) فیض احمد فیض
(ii) علامہ اقبال

(iii) مرزا غالب
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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When an Excel workbook is linked to a Word document:...?

(i) The Word document contains a copy ofthe actual data
(ii) The word document cannot be edited

(iii) The word document must contain ahyperlink
(iv) Theword document contains a reference to the original source application

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Most of Hafiz Quran were martyred in which battle...?

(i) Badr
(ii) Yamama

(iii) Khyber
(iv) Uhud

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Which type of code is used in computer language...?

(i) Systematic
(ii) Decimal

(iii) Binary
(iv) None of these

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Each one of them_______ a pencil...?

(i) Has
(ii) Were

(iii) Was
(iv) None of these

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First Capital of Pakistan was:...?

(i) Karachi
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Hyderabad
(iv) None of these

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UNO has declared the decade 2004 to 2014 as the decade of...?

(i) Protection of Environment
(ii) Eradication of Poverty

(iii) Eradication terrorism
(iv) Education decade

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