MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called...? Mcqs

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MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called...?

(i) Carriage Return
(ii) Enter

(iii) Word Wrap
(iv) None of the above

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The default alignment for paragraph is...?

(i) Left
(ii) Right

(iii) Center
(iv) None of these

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How many connotes in globalization concept:...?

(i) P3
(ii) P4

(iii) P5
(iv) P6

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On which prophet were the Ten Commandments revealed...?

(i) Hazrat Musa A.S
(ii) Hazrat Ibrahim A.S

(iii) Hazrat Dawood A.S
(iv) Hazrat Issa A.S

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Ramiz Raja is the ______ chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board...?

(i) 35th
(ii) 36th

(iii) 37th
(iv) None of these

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"History of the Saracens" was written by:...?

(i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(ii) Shali Naumani

(iii) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(iv) Syed Ameer Ali

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Which continent has no desert:...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Europe

(iii) Africa
(iv) None of these

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Taj Mahal is located on the south bank of the____________....?

(i) Yamuna River
(ii) Indus River

(iii) Jehlum River
(iv) Chenab River

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Which one of the following is a metal...?

(i) Gypsum
(ii) Mercury

(iii) Limestone
(iv) Granite

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The princely states in India independence...?

(i) 540
(ii) 562

(iii) 570
(iv) 590

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